
Showing posts from July, 2005

Exception System.Arithmaticoverflow .NET

I happened to face exactly the same problem. This problem appeared on my machine when I was trying to work with  two versions of .NET framework 1.1 and 2.0 Beta  concurrently installed. It was very annoying indeed as it was not letting any drawing/showing of dialogs as it would popup a message that unable to calculate because of Arithmatic Exception.   Anyway I figured out that this problem was because of corrupted version of .NET framework. And the binaries (.exes and .dlls) are either missing or corrupted in the installed .NET path. The .NET contains all the required libraries and executables to compile and run the .NET application. My problem was solved when i  reinstalled .NET  only. The CDs that comes with VS.NET installation have a separate CD containing the Windows Component Update. On this CD there is a specific folder having only the .NET installation setup with name something like dotnetfx etc. Just run this executable and hopefully yo...

Connecting Oracle8i with Java

Bear this in mind that whenever you use Oracle DON'T use Microsoft provided Driver. Always go for the one provided by Oracle itself e.g. "oracle odbc driver" Next is instead of using the following:        Class.forName ( "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" );        String url = " jdbc:odbc:thin@localhost:1521:orcl "; You can also use       Class.forName (" oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ");       String url = " jdbc:oracle:thin@localhost:1521:orcl "; As far as the Datasource name is concerned, the default datasource name is           PS:Oracle is bit tough when it comes to running server on Windows box. Anyway the best pair for both Oracle and Windows is "Oracle 8.0.5 for Windows NT" and "Windows NT 4.0 Server" respectively. Also the old Oracle Developer works qui...

Images vs Graphs - Zooming In/Out

About Zooming In or Out, the concept is fairly logical. When dealing with  images  we follow a different technique as compared to  graphs .   In case of  Images  Zooming In ( making the picture bigger ) actually copies each pixel's value arround itself in all directions. For instance consider the following is pixels values from an arbitrary location within an image.                           89  56  74                   82 82 82   4  82   5    When Zoomed    82 82 82  i.e. The pixel at the middle 66   2  19                   82 82...

Graph Implementation

For  C++ Implementation  of Graph Abstract Data Types ADT:   The Graph Template Library - Stable branch   based on STL, Standard Template Library   Java Implementation   JGraphT - Default branch   JGraph - Default branch   based on SWING.

Bjarne Stroustrup: The Design of C++0x

Bjarne Stroustrup The Design of C++0x Reinforcing C++’s proven strengths, while moving into the future

Google "20 percent time" policy for its Employees "To a person, these Googlers pointed to so-called “20 percent time” as a key ingredient of the company’s innovation effort. Put simply, 20 percent time allows Google’s technical people (the vast majority of the company’s employees are engineers) to spend 20 percent of their time working on new ideas large or small. Although it is not a new idea (3M has had a 15 percent rule in place for many years), it is interesting to consider just how vital this mechanism for creativity is to Google’s current success." Also

Integrating Matlab files w/ other languages

MATLAB provides a compiler which can convert .m files into dll or even C code. MCC  is MATLAB to C/C++ compiler. It can compile m-files to executable files with  exe  or  dll  extension. Consult the following article: MATLAB MEX-files   Visual Basic can used to call dlls using Declare   Function  matfunname  Lib  "dllname"  Alias  "matfunnameA" (ByVal/ByRef  arg1  As   String, ByVal/ByRef  arg2  As String,...  )  As String syntax. Moreover with the full version of Matlab available from market contained on two cds, the compiler is also available. I hope that above explaination will suffice.

Convert 2D points (screen coordinates) into 3D points

The monitor/lcd screen is actually a 2D space. Any point having both x and y values can be plotted over a monitor/lcd screen. How is it possible to have a third coordinate or a 3D look on a 2D space? The concept of 3D in the above mentioned case is a third coordinate namely 'z'. The effect of using the 3rd coordinate on a 2D space appears in terms of   1. " ZOOMING In or Out "  2. " Which object/item/thing should come to forth or back ".  In case of GUI development a very infamous term  Z-order  is used which decides  which object/control should come above which object etc.  Whereas  Zooming In (object is magnified/bigger) or  Out (object is de-magnified/smaller),  either of the two to choose, the z coordinate decides.   Also the  lightening-effect  and the  shadow-effect  plays a very important role in case of 3D games. The concept related to them is called " Ray Tracing ". I hope the above wo...