Embrace Eclipse
For those of you who don’t know, Eclipse Framework ( http://www.eclipse.org/ ) is a freeware IDE. It’s SDK and documentation is freely downloadable from http://eclipse.org/downloads/ without any registration or fee required. Eclipse primarily is an IDE to make IDEs. Many Silicon Valley Giants are either contributing or using Eclipse Framework for their Main Line Flagship software products, Following is the list of companies to name a few which are part of Eclipse Foundation : Actuate, Agitar, Aldon, Avant Soft, BEA, Bedera Research, Borland, BZMedia, CA , Catalyst Systems, CodeNovo Consulting, Collabnet, db4Objects, Ericsson, ERTI, Espirity, Exadel, Genuitec, Hewlett Packard, Hitachi, IBM, ILOG, Innoopract, Innovent, Instantiations, Intel, ITG, Lombardi, Mentor Graphics, Monta Vista, Novell, NTT Com, Omondo, Nokia, Open Sys...