Compilers ::: Begineers Guide ::: Developer Tools ::: Articles ::: Assessments

IDE's and Compilers:::
Get ahead of Turbo C/C++ 3.0 IDE. Try these compilers
Beginners Guides:::
Excellent guides for Beginners to Jump start on following tools
Beginners Guide to Develop C/C++ Projects Using Visual C++# Dive Into Microsoft Visual C++ 6 (360K PDF)
Beginners Guide to Develop C/C++ Projects Using Visual C++.NET# Dive Into Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (1.2MB, DRAFT PDF in ZIP file)
Beginners Guide to Develop C/C++ Projects Using GNU Compiler on Linux
Through Cygwin
# Dive Into GNU C++ with CygWin on Windows (578K, DRAFT, PDF in ZIP file)
Beginners Guide to Develop C/C++ Projects on Linux using GNU C++ Compiler# Dive Into GNU C++ on Linux (460K, DRAFT PDF in ZIP file)
Developer Tools:::
Ten Must-Have Tools Every Developer Should Download Now

A Utility to Convert VS.NET 2003 Project Files
Articles worth a Million :::
Do read these articles as they are really very informative.
Introduction to .NET
The article introduces Microsoft's .NET framework and compares it to Sun's J2EE 
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) and Java Runtime Environment JRE)        The article discusses interpreters, compilers, the JVM and the CLR:
Assess your Visual Studio .NET skill:


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