
Showing posts from July, 2010

Imote2 IMB400 pull-up resistor fix

I successfully fixed the hardware issue which was causing the interrupt to loose over I2C bus. Below is the method for it. IMB400 looks something like : 1.8KOhm resistor is required, its very cheap and easily available. I bought it from SimLim tower here in Singapore, 4 for just 20 cents. Its 1/4W 5% tolerance . The IMB400 sensor board, containing Camera, Microphone and Speaker required a pull-up resistor attached between VCC and R8 to work with Linux 2.6.29b image . The need of the resistor is mentioned as Currently this driver requires a pull up resistor on the data line of the gpio based i2c bus. I have a 1K8 resistor between vcc at the side of the board and the right pad of r8. Without this only this nothing can currently be read back from the chip. There are set of commands to run the sample application making use of the camera driver OV7470. After careful soldering the back of IMB400 scanned back image looks like below: The file system image, blob, and kernel images a...